A policy document analysis of student digital rights in the Australian schooling context
- Groth, Sean, Southgate, Erica
Children’s evaluation of a virtual reality boating safety education resource
Supporting students from equity groups: experiences of staff and considerations for institutions
- Macqueen, Suzanne, Southgate, Erica, Scevak, Jill
Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners
- Kraftl, Peter, McKenzie, Marcia, Goodyear, Victoria, Goodyear, Peter, Gunasekara, Indrajit, Hartong, Sigrid, Hickman Dunne, Jo, Howard, Sarah, Lupinacci, John, Mcphie, Jamie, Mannion, Greg, Meyer, Manulani Aluli, Kalervo, Gulson, Nemorin, Selena, Nxumalo, F, Parnell, R, Pykett, J, Rautio, P, Sefton-Green, J, Selwyn, N, Stovall, D, Southgate, Erica, Talbert, R, Accioly, Inny, Teelucksingh, C, Tucker, R, Uduku, O, Wilson, A, Wood, A, Burke, Catherine, Blackmore, Jill, Carlo, Perotta, Clarke, David A. G., Daniels, Harry, Fregoso Bailon, Raul Olmo
School students creating a virtual reality learning resource for children
- Southgate, Erica, Grant, Steve, Ostrowski, Simon, Norwood, Andrew, Williams, Monica, Tafazoli, Dara
- Southgate, Erica, Judge, Imelda
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: A practical and ethical guide for teachers.
Conceptualising embodiment through virtual reality for education
Older women, deeper learning: age and gender interact to predict learning approach and academic achievement at university
- Douglas, Heather E., Rubin, Mark, Scevak, Jill, Southgate, Erica, MacQueen, Suzanne, Richardson, John T. E.
- Grimes, Susan, Southgate, Erica, Scevak, Jill, Buchanan, Rachel
Using screen capture video to understand learning in virtual reality
Virtual reality in curriculum and pedagogy: Evidence from secondary classrooms
- O'Shea, Sarah, Southgate, Erica, Jardine, Ann, Delahunty, Janine
- Buchanan, Rachel, Southgate, Erica, Smith, Shamus P.
'The whole world's watching really': parental and educator perspectives on managing children's digital lives
- Buchanan, Rachel, Southgate, Erica, Smith, Shamus P.
A Delphi study to establish consensus on an educational package of musculoskeletal clinical prediction rules for physiotherapy clinical educators
- Knox, Grahame M., Snodgrass, Suzanne J., Southgate, Erica, Rivett, Darren A.
Disclosure in the postdigital age: university students’ attitudes to social media
- Buchanan, Rachel, Scevak, Jill, Smith, Shamus, Southgate, Erica
- Southgate, Erica, Smith, Shamus P., Cividino, Chris, Saxby, Shane, Kilham, Jivvel, Eather, Graham, Scevak, Jill, Summerville, David, Buchanan, Rachel, Bergin, Candece
- Southgate, Erica, Smith, Shamus P., Cividino, Chris, Saxby, Shane, Kilham, Jivvel, Eather, Graham, Scevak, Jill, Summerville, David, Buchanan, Rachel, Bergin, Candece
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